Plenary Speakers
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Pfleging
Professor for Laser Technology. Head of Group Laser Materials Processing/Lithium-Ion Batteries at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Prof. Dr. Zuobin Wang
Director of the International Research Centre for Nano Handling and Manufacturing of China, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China
Craig B. Arnold
Princeton University Vice Dean for Innovation and Susan Dod Brown Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, USA

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Pfleging
Professor for Laser Technology. Head of Group Laser Materials Processing/Lithium-Ion Batteries at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Wilhelm Pfleging is a Professor of Laser Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Head of the Group for Laser Materials Processing and Lithium-Ion Batteries at IAM-AWP (Institute for Applied Materials – Applied Materials Physics), which is a part of KIT. With over 30 years of experience in Laser Technology and 15 years in Battery Technology, he has published more than 200 research papers and has been granted 6 patents. He manages industrial and academic collaborative research and development projects with a focus on materials science, functional surfaces, energy storage systems, and corresponding electrochemical methods. Currently, his research is concentrated on the development of laser-assisted processes, analytics, and manufacturing of next-generation batteries. With his team, he operates in established laser and battery laboratories, transferring manufacturing technologies up to the pilot line level by integrating roll-to-roll manufacturing processes. Part of Pfleging’s research involves the development and application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to investigate binder migration, diffusion kinetics, degradation processes, and local charge states in thick film electrodes.

Prof. Dr. Zuobin Wang
Director of the International Research Centre for Nano Handling and Manufacturing of China, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China
He received his PhD in Optical Interferometry from the University of Warwick (UK) in 1997. Since then, he had been a project manager/senior research fellow at the Manufacturing Engineering Centre of Cardiff University (UK), and involved in a number of EU projects. His research interest is in the areas of laser interference lithography, nanomanipulation and their applications. He has 38 patents and publishes more than 200 papers. Prof. WANG has led 12 EU and China’s National Key R&D program projects. He is the founding chair of IEEE 3M-NANO.

Craig B. Arnold
Princeton University Vice Dean for Innovation and Susan Dod Brown Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, USA
Craig B. Arnold is the Vice Dean for Innovation at Princeton University and the Susan Dod Brown Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. His research ranges from basic science to applied technology aimed at developing a deeper understanding of fundamental materials synthesis and processing with interests in optical and photonic materials, energy storage systems, laser materials processing and processing of amorphous and architectured structures. He earned his PhD. in condensed-matter physics from Harvard University, and was an NRC post-doctoral fellow prior to joining the faculty at Princeton. He is the former director of the Princeton Materials Institute from 2015-2022. He has earned numerous accolades for his work including the Knight of Laser Technology from the International Academy for Production Engineering, the Edison Patent Award for Technology transfer from the NJ R&D council, an R&D 100 award, the Laser Focus World-OSA technology innovation award, and the SPIE PRISM award for photonics innovation. Prof. Arnold is a fellow of OSA and SPIE.
Invited Speakers
Dr. Martynas Beresna
Principal Research Fellow at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Jörn Bonse
Senior Scientist at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany
Dr. Carlos Donate-Buendía
Junior professor at University Jaume I in Castellón and Group leader at the University of Wuppertal, Spain
Dr. Maria Farsari
Research Director at Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research andTechnology-Hellas (FORTH), Greece
Dr. Julian Fells
Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford

Dr. Martynas Beresna
Principal Research Fellow at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Martynas Beresna holds the position of Principal Research Fellow at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton. His research endeavors encompass a wide range, extending from material science to the practical applications of laser processing in the development of solutions for optical sensing and imaging. Dr. Beresna has co-authored four patents, with one granted and three pending. Additionally, he has made contributions to two book chapters focusing on ultrafast laser processing and has authored over 100 articles.

Prof. Jörn Bonse
Senior Scientist at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany
Jörn Bonse received a Diploma degree in Physics from the University of Hannover, and a Doctoral degree from the Technical University of Berlin. He occupied research positions at the Laser Zentrum Hannover, the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin, the Spanish National Research Council in Madrid, and was appointed as a Senior Laser Application Specialist at Newport Spectra-Physics. Currently, he is a Senior Scientist at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). His research interests include fundamentals and applications of laser-matter interaction, laser-induced periodic surface structures, surface functionalization, time-resolved optical techniques, and laser processes in photovoltaics.

Dr. Carlos Donate-Buendía
Junior professor at University Jaume I in Castellón and Group leader at the University of Wuppertal, Spain
Duisburg-Essen (2020-2021) producing nanoadditivated metal and polymer materials with enhanced functionalities allowed him to become the “Particles and Additive Manufacturing of Polymers” postdoc group leader within Prof. Gökce’s chair at the University of Wuppertal (2021-2023). In 2023 was awarded a competitive junior professorship position within the GenT programme of the Valencian Community. Dr. Doñate Buendia develops since January 2024 his research lines at University Jaume I focusing on laser- based nanoparticle synthesis, laser material processing, and fabrication of nanoadditivated functional polymers by additive manufacturing.

Dr. Maria Farsari
Research Director at Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research andTechnology-Hellas (FORTH), Greece
Dr. Maria Farsari is considered one of the founders of laser-based 3D micro-printing, as she was a member of the Sussex University team that developed the first UV projection micro-printer in 1999. Her team pioneered the use of laser-made 3D scaffolds for cell growth and tissue engineering, and first demonstrated first redox multiphoton polymerisation. They have developed the organic-inorganic hybrid photosensitive material SZ2080TM, considered today the most accurate material for 2PP and used widely by leading groups in the world.

Dr. Julian Fells
Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford
Dr Julian Fells leads a research group in the laser micromachining of optical fibre sensors in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. His group have pioneered the laser fabrication of single-mode optical waveguides in sapphire fibre. These are an enabling technology for instrumenting extreme environments such as aeroengines and fusion reactors.
His group also work on micromachined sensors in silica fibre for temperature, strain, pressure and gas species detection. In his earlier career he spent 20 years in industrial research. He was at large corporations GEC and Nortel Networks where he researched optical sensors and optical telecommunications systems. He then held Senior Management roles in two technology start-ups, one developing large scale marine sensor networks and the other pioneering wireless power technology.
Dr. Eduardo Granados.
Applied Physicist (Staff) at CERN, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Yasutaka Hanada
Professor at Hirosaki University, Japan
Prof. Masaki Hashida
Research Institute of Science and Technology Tokai University, Japan
Professor Mark Hopkinson
University of Sheffield, Sheffield (UK)
Dr. Yusuke Ito
Lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Eduardo Granados.
Applied Physicist (Staff) at CERN, Switzerland
Dr. Eduardo Granados is a physicist based at CERN and an expert in ultrafast laser-matter interactions. He graduated with a BS in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Navarra in 2005. He completed his M.Sc. thesis at the National Science Foundation EUV Science and Technology Centre at Colorado State University and continued his doctoral studies at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia), obtaining his Ph.D. in Physics in 2010. For his PhD work he received several awards, among them the Australian Institute of Physics Postgraduate Award and the Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for Academic Excellence Award. He was appointed research fellow at MIT’s Research Laboratory of Electronics (2010-2013) and tenured scientist at Stanford University from 2013-2018. His research continues today at CERN, where he is a lead staff scientist since 2018. He is the author of more than 120 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals, 60+ conference presentations, and he holds 5 patents. His research interests include pushing the boundaries in photonics, metrology, and intense laser-particle interactions.

Prof. Dr. Yasutaka Hanada
Professor at Hirosaki University, Japan
Yasutaka Hanada received his B.E., M.E. and Ph.D degrees in electronics from Tokyo Univ. of Science in 2001, 2003 and 2006 respectively. He moved to RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) when he was a Ph.D student, and then, became a special postdoctoral researcher. In 2012, He moved to Hirosaki University as an associate professor and became professor in 2018. He has been working on the laser microfabrication of transparent materials and Raman spectroscopy measurement combined with deep learning method for food analysis.

Prof. Masaki Hashida
Research Institute of Science and Technology Tokai University, Japan
Masaki Hashida was received Ph.D. in engineering in 1996 (Osaka University, Japan).
His doctoral research was physics of atomic and ion collision in Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS). He belonged to Institute for Laser Technology, Japan as a researcher in 1996-2003 and during 1999-2000 he worked at CEA/saclay in France as researcher for physics of laser ablation. During 2003-2021, he worked at Institute for Chemical Research in Kyoto University as an associate professor for physics of intense laser-matter interaction and development of intense laser system. Since 2021, he has been a professor at Research Institute of Science and Technology, Tokai University. He was a leader of Advanced Research Program for Energy and Environmental Technologies, METI Japan in FY2015-FY2016 and a local leader of platform program for advanced facility, MEXT Japan FY2020-2021. Currently, he is a leader of Basic Foundation Research in Q-LEAP project, MEXT Japan in FY2018-FY2027.

Professor Mark Hopkinson
University of Sheffield, Sheffield (UK)
Mark Hopkinson, born in Nottingham (UK), received his B.Sc degree from the University of Birmingham in 1985 and his Ph.D. from the University of Sheffield in 1990, both in Physics. After appointments as research associate and senior researcher he was appointed to a chair of Electronic Engineering at the University of Sheffield in 1998. His research work concerns the growth of semiconductor nanostructures by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and their exploitation in advanced devices. He has over 600 papers in this field. His recent work seeks to exploit in-situ laser interference lithography for the development of nanopatterned semiconductor structures.

Dr. Yusuke Ito
Lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Japan
In 2018, he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo for developing an ultrafast laser processing technique. From April 2019 to July 2022, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo. Since August 2022, he has been working as a Lecturer at the same university.
Prof. Andrés Lasagni
Professor at TU Dresden, Germany
Prof. Yongfeng Lu
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (LPM Co-Chair)
Dr. Felix Löffler
Group Leader at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany
Doc. Ing. Jirí Martan
Senior researcher at University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Dr. Aiko Narazaki
Principal Research Manager at AIST, Japan

Prof. Andrés Lasagni
Professor at TU Dresden, Germany
Andrés Lasagni is Professor at TU Dresden since 2012. Since 2017, he has been Coordinator of the Centre for Advanced Micro-Photonics (CAMP) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS in Dresden. Born in Argentina, he began his academic career with a degree in chemical engineering at the National University of Comahue in Argentina and completed his doctorate in materials science at Saarland University in 2006. In 2007, he was research scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Michigan (USA). Lasagni researches industrial solutions for surface functionalization using laser technology. He has published more than 460 articles and has 30 patents.

Prof. Yongfeng Lu
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (LPM Co-Chair)
Dr. Yongfeng Lu is currently the Lott Distinguished Professor of Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). He received his bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University (China) in 1984 and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Osaka University (Japan) in 1988 and 1991, all in electrical engineering. From 1991 to 2002, he was a faculty in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National University of Singapore. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at UNL in 2002. He has more than 30 years of experience in processing and
characterization of micro/nanostructured materials. He served as the President of the Laser Institute of America (LIA) in 2014 and the President of International Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering (IAPLE, UK). He has been elected to SPIE fellow, LIA fellow, OSA fellow, and IAPLE fellow. He is also the recipient of the prestigious Schawlow Award of LIA in 2016.

Dr. Felix Löffler
Group Leader at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany
Felix Loeffler studied physics and biophysics and received his doctorate in physics and biochemistry from the University of Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and UC Berkeley in the fields of engineering, infectious disease research, and biochemistry. Since 2017, he leads a highly multidisciplinary group at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany. His research focuses on laser processing for nanoprinting, nanomaterials, and biosensors, as well as chemical and material synthesis technologies, with applications in high-throughput synthesis and screening.

Doc. Ing. Jirí Martan
Senior researcher at University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Jiří Martan gained Ph.D. in Physics of plasma and thin films and Laser material interaction in Czech Republic and France in 2005. He obtained habilitation to associate professor in the field of Mechanical Engineering in 2019. He is senior researcher and head of Laser Micro-processing and Thermodiagnostics team at NTC, University of West Bohemia. His special focus is on time resolved IR measurements and laser surface texturing. He has been principal investigator 6 projects. Since 2017, He is a member of Board of Stakeholders of the Photonics21 European technology platform. He also deals with cooperation with industry (e.g. Honeywell, Continental Automotive, Frentech Aerospace).

Dr. Aiko Narazaki
Principal Research Manager at AIST, Japan
Dr. Aiko Narazaki is a principal research manager and leader of Innovative Laser Processing group in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Research in the Aiko Narazaki group primarily focuses on advanced ultrashort pulse laser processing with in-process monitoring and machine learning, and industrial applications of various laser processing such as Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) and material modifications.
Dr Gediminas Račiukaitis
Chief research fellow, head of the Department of Laser Technologies at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology and President of the Lithuanian Laser Association, Lithuania
Dr. Esther Rebollar
Tenured scientist at Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano (CSIC), Spain
Dr. Sven Reichenberger
Junior Research Group Leader at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Dr. Ainara Rodriguez González
Principal researcher and project manager in the Advanced Powder Metallurgy and Laser Manufacturing group of Ceit-BRTA, Spain
Patrick Salter
Departmental Lecturer in Photonics at the Department of Engineering Science at University of Oxford, UK

Dr Gediminas Račiukaitis
Chief research fellow, head of the Department of Laser Technologies at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology and President of the Lithuanian Laser Association, Lithuania
He graduated from Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics in 1978 and started to work at Vilnius University. He got PhD degree in 1985 in the field of non-linear spectroscopy in semiconductors. Since 1995, he has been with the Ekspla laser company ( and currently holds a position as a consultant on laser technologies. His activity in the company was related to the application of lasers in the industry, the organisation of a laser job shop, and the implementation of laser technologies. By the agreement between Ekspla and the former Institute of Physics, the activity was moved to the newly–established Laboratory for Applied Research at the Institute of Physics in 2004. In February 2011 the laboratory was converted to the Department of Laser Technologies with six laboratories and now employs close to 100 researchers and engineers ( Research activities include the development of new laser sources, applications of lasers in material micro-processing with ultra-short pulse lasers and photonics, 3D laser printing, robotics and implementation of laser technologies in the industry. One of the consequences of his activities is a spin-off company ELAS (now AKONEER) – a laser system integrator, established in 2010 ( He is a co-author of more than 230 papers in scientific journals, more than 18 patents, and plenty of presentations at international conferences. He was supervising more than 10 PhD students. G. Raciukaitis is experienced in project coordination including national and international research projects, contract research activities for local and foreign companies

Dr. Esther Rebollar
Tenured scientist at Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano (CSIC), Spain
She holds a degree in Chemistry from Complutense University (Spain), and in 2006 she received a PhD degree from the same university. She held postdoctoral positions at the Institute of Applied Physics, Johannes Kepler University (Austria), and the Applied Physics Department at Vigo University (Spain). In 2010 she joined the Institute of Physical Chemistry Blas Cabrera at Spanish National Research Council, and since 2021 she is a tenured scientist at that institute. Her research interests include the fundamentals of laser-matter interaction, especially with respect to polymers and laser-induced periodic nanostructures, with the aim of understanding the mechanisms involved in order to control them, and the analysis of the properties and functionalities of the laser-modified materials.

Dr. Sven Reichenberger
Junior Research Group Leader at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Sven Reichenberger studied chemical engineering and switched to the research field of nanoparticle synthesis using high-power lasers, where he received his Ph.D. at the University of Duisburg-Essen in April 2017. After a two-year postdoctoral phase, during which he specialized in the field of laser-based defect engineering, he founded a junior research group on catalysis at the Institute of Technical Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His research focuses on laser-based synthesis and structural modification, defect insertion and doping of colloidal nanoparticles including crystalline and amorphous metals, alloys, oxides and metallic glasses. In an applied context, his research and materials development efforts focus on the development of fuel cells, electrolyzers and oxidation catalysts.

Dr. Ainara Rodriguez González
Principal researcher and project manager in the Advanced Powder Metallurgy and Laser Manufacturing group of Ceit-BRTA, Spain
Ainara Rodríguez received her PhD degree from the University of Navarra in 2010 after obtaining a MSc in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of the Basque Country in 2006. She is principal researcher and project manager in the Advanced Powder Metallurgy and Laser Manufacturing group Ceit-BRTA. Since 2006 she has been working on different basic and applied research projects, focusing her work mainly on the field of laser precision processing of materials for industrial applications. Since 2011, she combines her research work with lecturing tasks in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the School of Engineering – Tecnun (University of Navarra).

Patrick Salter
Departmental Lecturer in Photonics at the Department of Engineering Science at University of Oxford, UK
Dr Patrick Salter is a Departmental Lecturer in Photonics at the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford. His research considers ultrashort pulse laser processing, with a particular focus on interal processing of transparent materials, optical aberrations and adaptive optics. Previously he completed a PhD on soft condensed matter physics and was a Junior Research Fellow at New College Oxford.
Prof. Pere Serra
Professor at the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Javier Solis
Research Professor at the Institute of Optics (IO) of the National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
Dr. Pol Sopeña
Researcher of the CNRS (Chargé de Recherche), France
Dr. Koji Sugioka
RIKEN, Japan (LPM Honorary Chair)

Prof. Pere Serra
Professor at the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Barcelona, Spain
Pere Serra is professor at the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Barcelona. He received his Ph.D. degree from that university in 1997. His research has been devoted to multiple topics in the laser materials processing area, from pulsed laser deposition to laser surface treatments. In the last years he has focused his activity on laser microfabrication, with special attention to laser printing technologies for the fabrication of biomedical and printed electronics devices.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt holds the chair of the Institute of Photonic Technologies since its founding in 2009 at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
(FAU). He received his doctoral degree on the topic “Process control of laser spot welding in electronics production” in 2002. Following his engagement in its executive board, he leads the Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH (blz GmbH) as managing director since January 2005. His current research interests include laser application from micro- to macroscopic scale within the fields of industrial manufacturing, additive manufacturing and medical engineering.

Prof. Javier Solis
Research Professor at the Institute of Optics (IO) of the National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
Javier Solis is presently Research Professor at the Institute of Optics of the Spanish National Research Council where he is Head of the Department of Non-linear, Ultrafast and Nano-scale Photonics. He has also been Deputy Director (2000-2003) and Director (2003-2008) of the Institute. His PhD thesis was focused on the study of the transformation dynamics of optical recording materials upon nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation. After a short postdoctoral stay at Imperial College (London) funded by the Royal Society he oriented his work to the study of the interaction of ultrashort pulses with materials. At present his research interests include laser-matter interaction, non-linear optics, micro- and nano-structuring of materials with ultrafast lasers, and ultrafast dynamics in fs-laser excited solids. He has published more than 200 research papers and delivered more than 60 invited talks at research conferences in these topics.

Dr. Pol Sopeña
Researcher of the CNRS (Chargé de Recherche), France
Pol Sopeña received his Ph.D. degree at Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) in 2020 after working in the technique laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) for printed electronics applications. Immediately after, he joined the LP3 laboratory (Marseille, France) as a post-doc, where he is now a researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He focuses his studies on ultrafast laser processing of materials, finding new strategies to tailor semiconductors and other complex materials to aim for 3D laser direct writing applications like laser welding or waveguide inscription

Dr. Koji Sugioka
RIKEN, Japan (LPM Honorary Chair)
Koji Sugioka received his B. S., Ms. Eng., and Dr. Eng. Degrees in electronics from Waseda University (Japan) in 1984, 1986, and 1993, respectively. He Joined RIKEN in 1986 and is currently a Team Leader of Advanced Laser Processing Research Team at RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics. He was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Szeged (Hungary) in 2018. Koji Sugioka is internationally renowned for his works on laser micro and nanofabrication. In particular, he is known as a leading scientist in the ultrafast laser processing. Koji Sugioka is currently a board of trustee member of Laser Institute of America (LIA) and a board of director member of Japanese Laser Processing Society (JLPS) and the Japan Society of Laser Technology (JSLT). He is a Fellow of SPIE, Optica, LIA, the Intl. Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering (IAPLE), and the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP). He is also an editor-in-chief of Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering (JLMN), and an editor of Nanomaterials, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (IJEM), and Opto-Electronic Advances (OEA).
Prof. Dong Wu
Professor of engineering science at University of Science and Technology of China, China

Prof. Dong Wu
Professor of engineering science at University of Science and Technology of China, China
He obtained Ph.d degree at Jilin University in 2010 and then became a postdoc at RIKEN in Japan from 2011 to 2014. He obtained the fifth Chinese Thousand Youth Talents Plan, One hundred excellent doctoral theses and was the topical editor of Optics Letters. His current research interests are SLM-based high-efficiency femtosecond laser 3D microfabrication in various materials towards highly functional 2D-3D devices. Prof. Wu has published 120 papers in the international journals of Nature Photonics, Nat. Comm., Light: Sci & Appl.(Nature publishing group), PNAS, Laser Photon. Rev., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano and so on (30 papers IF>10.0). These works were supported by NSFC, CAS, and MOST.